I am a terrible blogger. I just have a hard time with it. Without children to blog about we walk that fine line of keeping a blog to "show off" all the fun stuff we do. Which is what married life without children should be like in my opinion. JD and I have really been able to live it up the past three years- and I would not trade one second of it for the world.
That being said, I could not be happier about entering the next stage of life. JD and I are
Those four little words have completely changed my life. The first reason is obvious- I am blowing up like a balloon. And not just any balloon, one of those really stretchy ones that you think will pop if you keep blowing any further, you know what Im talking about? Instead of being on top of each other, they are sitting side by side. So I am growing in ALL directions! I am 5 months and I am the size of a 7 month pregnant girl. Luckily that means that my girls are growing and are right on track!
Here is the three of us at 20 weeks!

Since there are 2 babies in there, we are considered a "high risk" pregnancy so we get an ultrasound every time we go in. And I cry every time one of their blurry little pictures come up on the screen. As early as 10 weeks, our shy little one has been seen sucking her thumb. And our other little one is a already a diva. She loves the camera, as you can see below. (She is definitely my daughter)

Yesterday's ultrasound showed off their acrobatics. There is not very much room in there so they are kicking and pushing each other already. I have just recently started feeling them. The doctor said thats because instead of kicking me, they may be kicking each other. We saw baby A stretch her legs out and push right into baby B's back. At just 16 weeks old the babies are aware that they are not in there alone. They are already ganging up on me though. I have been throwing up non stop for the past 5 months. JD keeps saying that these girls are grounded as soon as they get out!
These babies, aside from marrying my sweet JD, are the biggest blessing in my life. As I kneel every night in prayer I find myself scrambling for the proper words to express my gratitude to Heavenly Father for Sending these sweet girls to us. How could I ever pay him back for this? How can anyone ever doubt that there is a God? I dream of the day when I get to hold my babies for the first time. Only a few more months now...