June 11, 2008


Blogging? I am not a blogger. I have a journal that I write in religiously. It is somewhat therapeutic for me. I have never been good with sharing my emotions, but, WOW how being married changes that! Now, the idea of writing down my thought for others to read is something that is going to take some getting used too. If you read my journal you would probably think I am a ditz. I write the same way I speak, and for those of you that know me, I say “like” and “oh my gosh” and “what?” all the time. If my dad, who is a high school English teacher, ever got his hands on it he’d think he taught me absolutely nothing! So… here goes nothing….

I thought for my very first blog entry I should stick with something I know a lot about to avoid sounding dumb. I tell JD this every day, and of course I thank my heavenly father as often as possible: I have the BEST husband in the world. I have been married for a whopping 49 days now and these have been the most incredible days of my life. My single life was amazing: Living in Huntington Beach, with my BEST GIRL FRIENDS, partying every night, dating boys, staying up all night, dessert parties, girlie movie marathons and going to the beach every weekend. Sounds perfect right? I loved it! But then I married the man of my dreams inside the Los Angeles Temple and my life has taken a complete 180—for the better. He makes me happier than I have ever been. He listens to me when I had a stressful day at work. He planted a “garden” on our small balcony of our apartment. He makes me his famous oreo shakes. He surprises me with flowers or Hot Tamales (my favorite candy) on occasion. He ALWAYS makes me laugh. He watches So You Think You Can Dance with me. He does the dishes. He kisses me and tells me he loves me every morning when he so willingly gets up at 6 am to go to work. He NEVER complains. And the list goes on…
If women were allowed to “build a man” for themselves, JD would have blown that man out of the water. I look forward to HIM now; everything else in my day is simply filler until I get to be with him again after work. I have experienced a new kind of LOVE. Something that I have never come close to feeling before. My “glamorous” single life in HB has ended and I am now living my fairy tail with my own prince charming.

I promise all of my entries wont be this mushy. But I'm a newly wed… what do you expect!?
ps. does anybody know how I can change the layout of this blog?


melissa said...

I LOVE that you blog now. Love you guys!!!

Brooke said...

proud to be one of the "BEST GIRL FRIENDS"! And proud to call you one of mine. it was marvelous to see you two grow in love and friendship and finally marriage. thank you for sharing that with me and yes i do think that KT set the standard for marrying an amazing man. it's gonna be hard to find one like JD. hey - idea... you guys can mold/train one while i'm gone. you have 18 months (maybe a few more cause i'll be freaky weird when i get back). WOW this is real long - that's how much I LOVE YOU!!!!

Ciao Bella/Bello! said...

For someone who has never blogged, that was great, an easy read and delightful all the way. You guys are such an inspiration, i love how you relish your deepening love and that you share with each other daily. that's a lesson one is never too old to learn. I love your story, like the cd from the wedding, the smiles you two shared along the road to man and wife come out in those songs. it's a privilege for me to share your new life. i don't take it for granted. thanks for the rich blessings. love you both! your aunt crystal

Angelle said...

Oh my gosh, I loved that entry!!!! JD scored big with you Katie! You two are a match made in heaven.

Anonymous said...

Katie, I am so happy you have a blog now. I love blogs. If you haven't already, check mine out. Love ya! and i am so happy for you.


Jill said...

WOW! that was pretty mushy im not gonna lie but super cute! Im glad your enjoying married life it only gets better!! Im also glad you got a blog so i can see whats really going on in your guys life! If you still have trouble getting on mine let me know!

shayne said...

katie! i am so glad you are happy! welcome to the married life!

Diane said...

Just wanted to say hi and I'm glad that you 2 are doing great!
I also have a blog www.dcbyui.blogspot.com

Attitude of Gratitude said...

Wow, hi Katie... It's hillary your old roommate from Colonial days back in Rexburg. I found your blog through Jill's and wanted to say congrats on the marriage. You two look beautiful together and we wish you the best. Our blog is bhcalaway.blogspot.com. Take care and good luck!

Anika said...


Anika said...

Ok... that was the dumbest comment... It was supposed to be YAY for a long time! I am so excited that you have a blog now!

Aaron and Melanie Gordon said...

Katie - We have never met but I can definitely say you have a GREAT husband....we're cousins and I hope I can meet you someday soon...Tell JD, I say hi.
-Melanie (Allen) Gordon
You can also visit our blog at:

Donna & Michael said...

Yay!!! Blogging! You guys are SO adorable! I'm so happy you found the man of your dreams. You were always the happiest person and now you seem like a bazzilion times happier[If thats possible] I Miss you! I still have your note you wrote me for my little bridal shower thing :) It was my favorite.. [and not to mention the sexy lingerie... Michael mos def appreciates that one haha.. I owe YOU some sexy little thing for your man!]
Love you!

na said...

JD - You bastard. You never told me you loved me OR made me an Oreo shake when we lived together.