July 19, 2008

We're BACK!July 19, 2008

July 19, 2008

Check me out!! Katie and I are officially back online! After almost three months of fighting with AT&T we got our DSL figured out. If you’re thinking about getting DSL from them, don’t bother, they are a nightmare. Not as bad as Target, but that’s a whole other story. I will write about that soon, I can’t wait to stick it to them as best I can. Anyway, I’m very excited to have the internet again. I might need a few days to re familiarize myself with this fancy google machine but I’m sure I’ll figure it out soon. I’m excited to read up on all your lives (if I care to, no offense) and for you to glimpse into ours (if you care to). Allow me a quick gratuitous proud husband story. During the course of the past few weeks as Katie and I have been watching TV I get nervous when the Mama Mia previews pop up. I hurry and fast forward through them or do anything I can think of just to distract her from seeing them. I was worried to death that she would be like “oh JD, we have to see that! My mom saw it in Vegas and said it was so good.” I was worried I would have to chalk that one up on the I O U board (which consists of 132 IOU’s to Kaite and one coming to me). Such were my thoughts for the past 2 weeks until two nights ago she had the remote during and the dreaded commercial came on and after seeing about 10 seconds of it SHE fast forwarded it and was like “That looks so gay.” I almost spit out my delicious peanut butter and honey and banana sandwich she made me for dinner. I cannot believe how much I love this woman! I think I’m starting to have a positive impact on her media choices. And we have been talking about how we both want to see the Dark Knight to boot! I tell ya, I married the best woman alive. I can’t forgo the fact that she bought me a Playstation and Guitar Hero 3 for my bday either. She is a gem and a lady. Two things I love in life.


melissa said...

hahhah i love it. i love your guys' cute layout. well done!

Candace said...

Hi Katie! Your wedding and honeymoon pics are adorable! Im so happy for you guys! I hope youre totally enjoying your newlywed time! It goes away when you have a baby! haha my little boy is so wonderful but Im terrified about having another one! we'll see..maybe next year!

Amber said...

Hey Katie,
I just found your blog. I hope you guys are well. Just wanted to say hi. And I hate you for going to So You Think You Can Dance. That is my favorite!! But I am very, very bitter Will got kicked off this week. Hope to hear from ya
Amber Jones

Mark said...

Mama mia was incredible, Katie I hope you take JD to see it.

Amy said...

Ha Ha I am sooo glad I am not the only girl that thinks Mama Mia looks gay! LOL!! Hope to see you guys soon!!

Ciao Bella/Bello! said...

Hi guys, I just saw your posting and laughed so hard about the Mama Mia part and the yummy sandwich dinner! Honestly, you are get the Cutest Couple of the Year Award for that one! I loved the July 4th posting too, much much fun. We are back and eager to see you two when time permits. Keep loving each other, AC